The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
Conscious World Citizens Academy
“It is too late to tell anything but the truth of our human situation to ensure the world knows a way forward in these times.”
– Kay Dundorf, President, Global Center for Human Change

We have created the Conscious World Citizen Academy for those who seek to be in service to a new time – to teach, to show, to guide, to lead and inspire – alongside others.
Centered around a deeper insight into the way we can address and implement the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals from a new level of Conscious Alignment to a different purpose (the SDGAs). These programs demonstrate the Integral Learning Process that Ken Wilber and others have endorsed as being ‘essential’ to a different future.
A living pathway of integral learning supports a new way of discovering one’s part inside the issues of our time. It is connected to our deeper urge to play a mature part in a new future and not just impose more solutions on the world from the current level of thinking.
Academy members have access to the programs we delivered in part or in full as consultants to diplomats at the United Nations Headquarters and internationally in Universities, Schools and Colleges, to business leaders and to groups of coaches, leaders, scientists…
For those people who want to help bring this level of human response to others, we are sharing this work and offering teleconferences and live sessions.
With the help of the Global Center these programs are being made available to Academy members:
Developing our Inner World Ecology
Becoming a Facilitator of Change (in collaboration with the Global Center)
The Integral Learning Process
The SDGA Academy Level translation of the SDGs (in collaboration with the Global Center)
Live sessions with Richard Bowell and the Academy Team
Join now and please make a donation – it supports the Global Center Educational Charity
(a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization) in readying and disseminating the work internationally.
Find more information on:

Evolutionary Change
A Global Center for Human Change Project
I came to a small Greek Island to listen to the message of our times…..and wrote it down not knowing if it made sense. Scientists and scholars around the world
reflected that it ‘hit the nail on the head’.
The United Nations invited me to share it with their Ambassadors and officers …then Netflix came calling. Now I share it with you.
Conscious World Citizen
Sign up to receive the free video & introduction
For every person who wants to see real change in this world…

Release date
22nd January 2025

Kay Dundorf
President of the Global Center for Human Change
”The Global Center not-for-profit was established to provide an integral approach to the
significant global challenges laid out in the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals to reach every person who wants to help this world find a different future...”

President Kay Dundorf