The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
The world is waking up to the reality of the situation on this planet and that we must CHANGE if life is to continue. It is an ‘Urgent Plea from the Future’.
In my series of videos, I address how to make change possible.
Enter our global dialogue and contribute consciously to change.
Conscious World Citizens Academy
“It is too late to tell anything but the truth of our human situation to ensure the world knows a way forward in these times.”
– Kay Dundorf, President, Global Center for Human Change

We have created the Conscious World Citizen Academy for those who seek to be in service to a new time – to teach, to show, to guide, to lead and inspire – alongside others.
Centered around a deeper insight into the way we can address and implement the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals from a new level of Conscious Alignment to a different purpose (the SDGAs). These programs demonstrate the Integral Learning Process that Ken Wilber and others have endorsed as being ‘essential’ to a different future.
A living pathway of integral learning supports a new way of discovering one’s part inside the issues of our time. It is connected to our deeper urge to play a mature part in a new future and not just impose more solutions on the world from the current level of thinking.
Academy members have access to the programs we delivered in part or in full as consultants to diplomats at the United Nations Headquarters and internationally in Universities, Schools and Colleges, to business leaders and to groups of coaches, leaders, scientists…
For those people who want to help bring this level of human response to others, we are sharing this work and offering teleconferences and live sessions.
With the help of the Global Center these programs are being made available to Academy members:
Developing our Inner World Ecology
Becoming a Facilitator of Change (in collaboration with the Global Center)
The Integral Learning Process
The SDGA Academy Level translation of the SDGs (in collaboration with the Global Center)
Live sessions with Richard Bowell and the Academy Team
Join now and please make a donation – it supports the Global Center Educational Charity
(a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization) in readying and disseminating the work internationally.
Find more information on:

The body of Richard’s original writings, books, courses, presentations and guidance include the Template for Spiritual Intelligence SQ Training, the Wisdom Process, Coaching the Soul (the whole person), the Essential Shift from Awareness to Consciousness, the Sustainable Development Goal / Alignments, the Integral Learning Process and the Conscious World Citizen Manifesto and Movement.
This work is held in trust at the Global Center for Human Change, a New York-based educational charity that makes the work available through the Conscious World Citizen Movement to people internationally.
Richard and his wife live a large part of the year on an estate on the Greek islands – a sanctuary and harmonious living space – which they have developed and share with the cats of the island.
Soon to be a Netflix movie!
For more information check out my Facebook Page: @rabauthor
‘Always it was the inner realization of what was possible
for a human that drove the outer experiment of living.
If I were to sum up these years, I would say this: Always
the state of the external world impressed upon my inner
world the realization that we were living in a time of
deep change and that we humans would need to update
to a new time and this could only be done from a conscious appreciation of our part in a different future.
I resolved I would do what I could to bring a consciousness of that ‘future – now’ to as many people as I could as I discovered my own path of evolution. Today my work is centered in the development of the world-wide
Conscious World Citizens movement’.

A Sample of Projects
Educational Center Copenhagen, Denmark

A 6000 square meter educational center in the heart of Copenhagen in the former Boulevarden
Theater – with café / restaurant, library, conference hall for 300 people, theater space
Theater/Arts and Education Center
Leiden, Holland

Richard developed the first of
several European centers
developing the early work on a
template for human change.
In a 7000 Square Meter building
he developed an educational
center in the Dutch town of
Leiden in Holland.
High level courses and programs
United Nations

At the United Nations in New York, Richard provided courses on the Essential shift with high ranking officers and Diplomats.
These programs were an early formation of the ‘Essential Shift’ work.
An Ecological village
Sjaelland, Denmark

In Sjaelland, 40 kilometers North
of Copenhagen in Denmark, on a
50,000 Square Meter lot of land
by one a sandy beach, Richard
developed an ecological village
With plans for 40 houses, the
play areas were completed, the
main house with restaurant and
lecture area were completed plus
14 stay over guest houses.
A round straw bale house

Richard co-designed and built the first straw bale house on the site of the village project.
Based on simple principles of respect for the planet and harmony with the natural
worlds, this house has served as a model for an increased number of straw bale houses in Denmark.
The Sanctuary - for cats and humans
‘A tribute to the natural worlds’
Syros, Greece

Described by BBC World News as
“A Paradise on Earth’ Richard and
his wife developed an estate with
three luxury villas and a cat
sanctuary – the story of this
project is soon to appear as a
Hollywood documentary film.
It was here that Richard spent 7
years developing the final form
of his philosophical work and
wrote his book ‘An urgent Plea
from the Future’.

At every phase of his unfolding journey Richard wrote books expressing his ideas and insights,
many of which have been endorsed by internationally renowned Philosophers, Evolutionary
Leaders, Scientists, and New York times best-selling authors.
Conscious World Citizens
A Global Movement for Change

Now a best-selling book at the United Nations (left), this work encapsulates the ‘Essential Shift’, the Sustainable
Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goal Alignments.
It is being made available to people world-wide to support the address to the challenges of our times alongside the videos and live sessions.