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 The Essential Shift – Conscious World Citizens

Release date 
22nd January 2025

At this moment in world history when the human and the planet are on a collision course, where conflict and chaos rule, the challenges we face would seem insurmountable but for one core in-sight.


We are at a crossroads. Unless we undertake a transformational shift to a new level of consciousness we become no longer viable citizens of this world, infecting the whole ecology for all life.


No one is better placed to unfold what this shift is than the author Richard Bowell having been invited by the United Nations to present this work to high ranking officers and Ambassadors.


Change is not something we do it is something we recognize occurring across the planet in which the breakdown of life is an expression of the end of one epoch out of which a new epoch is emerging.


Once a person SEES that this is the actuality of our situation, we begin to become conscious that the evidence of real change is emerging everywhere and is quite different to what we have hitherto thought.


Richard Bowell spent 12 years on a Greek island listening to and translating this message for our times. Now sponsored by the Global Center for Human Change this book with an accompanying ‘Masterclass to the world’ based on his presentations at the UN, provide the one global movement that illuminates our next steps, and it is FREE with the book. This cannot be missed.


Buy the book that includes the UN SDGs that the world is pursuing, accompanied by the UN Accepted SDGAs that Richard wrote from a new level of consciousness. As Richard says ‘the most significant challenge we humans face is joining a future that is unfolding and has meaningful significance for being here on this planet’ – that surely includes every person who finds themselves concerned with the direction life is taking.


Richard speaks with such depth and passion and authenticity – from a lifetime dedicated to addressing the challenges of our times… Endorsed by leaders, New York Times best selling authors, eminent scientists and spiritual luminaries – and also a bet selling book at the United Nations.



Your ticket to the FREE presentation with the book order


I went to a remote Greek island to contemplate and reflect on the great challenge of our age – to discover the evidence of change occurring in the world, and during that odyssey inside myself first the United Nations contacted me and invited me to UN HQ in New York, and then Netflix wanted to make a film about the life my wife and I were living there.

Now I am sharing this work with the world with the new version of the best-selling book at the UN and a live presentation from the place this work emerged in to the light of day. 


  • The Essential Shift

  • Conscious World Citizen sequences

  • WHAT IS – the context of living a life

  • The evolution of SEEING

  • The SDGs (in full colour)

  • The SDGAs (in full colour)

The Global Center for Human Change Not for Profit

The release of the writings, videos and templates of Conscious World Citizens is exclusively through the Global Center for Human Change

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